We fight for you, so you can focus on getting back to life after a serious injury or disability.


Suffering through a devastating injury
is life changing.

It can leave you feeling uncertain about your future. We understand and we can help you get through this.

By your side,
and on your side™

Burn Tucker Lachaîne Is One Of The Most Experienced Injury Litigation Firms In Ottawa

Our clients know us as compassionate and empathetic and they describe us as excellent advocates for their rights.

Few trial lawyers know the Ottawa civil judicial system as we do.

What our clients say:

  • "Colleen Burn is a hard working, kind and caring person. By the help of my wonderful lawyer we overcame the problems. After my trial my appreciation for Colleen's work is great, now and for the rest of my life."
  • "We wanted to again thank you and your team. We so appreciate the way you handled our case. You managed to keep the technical aspects of the case easy to understand and you showed patience and understanding when it was most needed."
  • "I wish to thank Eliane for her hard work and dedication throughout my case. She gives off an aura of strength and that is always very present especially when you meet with opposing counsel."
  • "I would like to say thank you to you, Laurie, for being the most outstanding lawyer I could have ever hoped for. No matter what 'the other side' was doing, I felt confident in my own team and knew that you had my back."

Read our Latest Blogs

Pre-existing Conditions and Mental Health Claims

Long Term Disability Insurance and Pre-existing Conditions

What to Look for When Hiring an Injury Lawyer